Percy Moo as Einstein

Percy Moo as Einstein

Monday, 24 September 2012


Not so long ago I saw the latest film version of DorianGrey, about which I only remember the marvellous Victorian sets and architecture.

The film sparked a debate between my erstwhile partner, MCR, and me about the existence or not of the soul. My stance was that I have no soul and do not particularly want one. What would I do with this immortal, intangible parasite dwelling within me? Apparently it has nothing to do with my conscious self and is of no possible use or profit. Indeed, if it exists, what do I care if it suffers in torment after I die? It isn’t me![1]

MCR argued that we all have souls. To settle the matter I immediately offered to sell mine to the Devil in exchange for green traffic lights all the way home. We got them. No matter how fast or slowly she drove, the lights always went green as we approached them.

MCR was rather concerned at this turn of events. For my part, I was mighty annoyed. I should have asked for the winning combination for the next big lottery roll-over.

Still as I didn’t sign the contract in blood, perhaps I still have a chance…  

[1] I hasten to add that I am a wonderful person: kind to animals, babies and old ladies etc. Therefore, if I have a soul and if the soul is indeed me, with my sensations and memories, can I please have a place in the Muslim heaven with its attendant virgins? Also, if the person in charge could find his (obviously it’s a he!) way to providing me with a goodly supply of Bombay Sapphire gin, Fever Tree tonic water, ice and lemons I’m sure we could come to some arrangement. It would be rather like the Raj, I imagine.

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