Percy Moo as Einstein

Percy Moo as Einstein

Friday, 4 January 2013

January 6th

Here in Spain children get their presents on January 6th which jolly well may be a  good tradition but it has its drawbacks. Classes usually begin the day after. This year Spanish children have two whole days instead of one to break their toys / drop their iPhones down the toilet / complain that Juanito has got a better present than they have etc. etc. etc..

The obvious advantage of having an English father and a Spanish mother is that my kids get two opportunities to break the presents and / or complain. Luckily now they do neither - these days it's me who breaks the prezzies, but  who could ever complain about the presents that our children give us? When children realise that Father Christmas / the Three Kings do not exist, they start to buy or make and give their parents presents. Such things are to be treasured for what they represent - filial love and loyalty.

Last year I was given a Kindle by my three. As a bibliophile and reading addict, they could not have thought of a better present. It is my constant companion on train rides, flights etc.

With children, it definitely is the thought that counts - even if they give you a diamond-encrusted Rolex. I once had a rather bitter, twisted workmate who thought that his children owed him everything. After all, he had given them the greatest gift of all - life, hadn't he?. Sadly for him, he never did realise that, emotionally, children give far more than they receive. The fleeting seconds of orgasmic pleasure are nothing compared with the lifetime of love and satisfaction that children, whatever their age, are capable of giving their parents. My three, like yours, are no exception.  


  1. I can sympathize with Spanish children as my birthday is September 7th and I usually had to go back to school on that date or the next day. At Christmas, on the other hand, we were on holiday and had several days in which to relax and enjoy presents and Christmas jollity.

    I still remember the first present I bought for someone else. It was for my mother's birthday. We were in Woolworth's and had admired a "popper" necklace, so called because it consisted of a number of pink balls, each with a hole and a prong, that fitted together by "popping" the prong into the next ball. As we were leaving the shop I made a no doubt transparent excuse to go back alone and I bought the necklace. On her birthday, my mother expressed great pleasure on receiving her gift, though I expect she knew exactly what it would be!

    I agree that it is the thought that counts. My son and I contracted years ago not to bother with Christmas and birthday presents any longer but just occasionally - as when I was in hospital recently - he sends me something and that is very touching.

  2. Popper necklaces, Silvine exercise books, Pik 'n' Mix sweeties, Winthrop plimsolls and sports goods... O Woolies, What times!!!
